High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF)
The High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) process produces durable metal, carbide, and a multitude of specialty coatings. A complete line of powders is available, which are specifically engineered for application with the HVOF system. This technology can be utilized in a range of applications leveraging the ultra-dense HVOF coating properties and the resulting wear-resistance.
Following you'll find Equipment, Parts & Information
for the Thermach HVOF Thermal Spray Coating System.
To automate your thermal spray operation, see the NEW AT-3200 Mass Flow Control Console here.
HVOF combustion spraying deposits coatings with higher density, lower oxide content and better bond strength than similar coatings applied with flame, wire-arc, or plasma spray processes. These characteristics make HVOF the process of choice for applying carbide coatings for: aerospace applications, rotating shafts in pumps and compressors, valves, seals, paper/pulp rollers and corrosion/wear resistance.
HVOF coatings are typically denser and adhere better than plasma sprayed coatings. Wear resistant coatings such as WC/Co typically display bond strengths exceeding 83 MPa (12,000 lb/in.2), “as sprayed” densities greater than 99% and microhardness of 1,000 to 1250 Hv300.
Built-in user-operated Safety Purge System (Class 1 Division 2 Type Z Purging, per NFPA 496)
Booth and Emergency Stop Interconnections
Rotameter Gas Flow Controls
Oxygen Gas Control
Hydrogen/Propylene Fuel Gas Control
Argon/Nitrogen Carrier Gas Control
Touchscreen/PLC Control of System Functions
Automatic Process Start and Stop
Alarms and Warnings with Automatic Safety Shutdown Sequences
Powder Feeder Control with Closed Loop RPM Control (when using 0-15 RPM AT-1200 Powder Feeders)
Process hour meter with settable maintenance alarm
10 Ton Heat Exchanger with alarm feedback to console